Call for Presenters Information

InfoSec World is the “business of security” conference. To manage today’s threats, security practitioners—from entry-level admins to senior leadership—must have the skills to be both a business partner and business enabler as well as the technical skills to prevent, detect, and respond to security challenges.

For our 2020 event, we are looking for presenters and facilitators to cover topics addressing these themes:

  • Cloud
  • Disruptive Technologies (IoT, AI, Blockchain, etc.)
  • Emerging Trends
  • Hackers & Threats
  • Infrastructure & Operations
  • Leadership, Management & Strategies
  • Privacy & Risk
  • Security Awareness & Training

Alternative session formats such as facilitating a Security Roundtable, conducting Half-day and Full-day Workshops, and delivering Ted-style talks are available.

The InfoSec World 2020 Call for Presenters Dates

Opens: July 15, 2019
Closes: August 29, 2019
Notification to all submitters: mid-October

Important information regarding your submission:

  • All talks must be 100% vendor neutral.
    • No proposal from a vendor organization related to its products or services will be considered.
  • Talks submitted by PR/marketing firms on behalf of a proposed speaker must include the speaker’s contact information.
    • Submissions excluding this information will be considered incomplete.
  • Incomplete submissions will not be considered.
  • Talks that include new research, demonstrations, case studies, real-life stories, and actionable recommendations will be given priority.
  • We encourage “out of the box” ideas. Push boundaries. Make the audience think. Don’t strive to present something that’s been presented before.
  • Panel discussions will be considered for the 50 minute talk category; all panelists must be included in the submission.
  • All accepted speakers will receive a full main conference pass plus 2 complimentary passes for colleagues.

InfoSec World attendees are knowledgeable security practitioners with 10+ years of experience. As you put together your submission, please keep the attendee profile in mind. The most successful ISW talks provide actionable advice, real-world guidance, demonstrations and “how to,” and new ideas that help security practitioners become better business partners who enable their organizations.


If you have questions prior to submitting a talk, please contact Jennifer Marcus at